10 April 2008

A picture's worth a thousand words

I'm failing at the updating this blog thing...it's been an IS week, so my writing capacities have been exhausted by writing about Merteuil and feminism and libertinage and Les Liaisons Dangereuses...but hey, it's at 8 pages already! so instead, you get pictures! Corsica, Monaco, a little bit of Paris and Normandy.

Day trippin'!
Gambling and Island hopping

you all should expect a flood of pictures in about 3 weeks, though...on Monday I'm leaving with Brianna for our epic spring break adventure - Athens and Cairo!! I'm SO excited it's not even funny! so you'll get all those pictures, as well as the pictures from Rome and Florence =D

quick anecdote before I head back to the IS:
apparently France has brought out my chatty side. I was talking with Tim before our religion class started about the book I borrowed from him, A Thousand Shining Suns (AMAZING, by the way). I was talking about how good it was, how it made me cry, etc etc etc. all of a sudden the cahier d'appelle (roll call notebook) is waving in front of my face...my prof was trying to get my attention. I apologize for talking, saying I didn't realize class had "started." before he starts the roll call, he looks and me and says "nous l'appelons une perrouche dans une cage. est-ce que vous êtes familier avec la perrouche?" when I respond that I don't, not knowing this particular vocab word, he informs me that a perrouche is "un oiseau qui fait beacoup de bruit!" (we call that a female parrot in a cage. are you familiar with the female parrot?...a bird that makes a lot of noise!)

essentially, I got burned by my 60 year old professor...cassée!, as they say here!



Anonymous said...

Athens and Cairo!!! i would tell you that i hate you for this, but that would be a completly lie. i can't wait to see those pictures i'm sure it's going to be fun.

and what do you mean France has brought out your chatty side? you've always been chatty sweets, at least around me

Anonymous said...

BWAHAHAHA burrrrnnn
.... Although, not gonna lie, I probably would have cried. Go you for not doing that. Brrr.