04 April 2008

La vie n'est pas toujours belle...

(life isn't always beautiful)

This past week has been...hard. While I can't say too much (it isnt my story to tell) I've been spending the past week with a friend here who is going through one of the hardest times of her life. I'd go over to her house in the afternoons and stay with her during the nights so that she wouldn't be alone. And it was hard. It was hard to see a friend I care so much about hurting so horribly...and it would bring back to the surfaces my own feelings when I went through similar situations -she and I are a lot alike, so I could understand why she was feeling the way she was. and since she went back to the States today, it was also hard to say goodbye. So this was a very difficult week for me and all my Nantais girls.

Last week, I received an Easter card from my wonderful adopted mommy Kim and y compris là-dédans (included in it) were a bunch of days from her page a day calendar of words of wisdom from women. I immediately put them up on my bulletin board next to all the photos of my friends, and upon coming home yesterday after saying goodbye (until I go visit her in NC, of course!), I noticed one of them in particular: "Courage is the most important of all virtues, because without courage you can't practice any other virtue consistently. You can practice any virtue erratically, but nothing consistently without courage." - Maya Angelou. It's going to take a lot of courage for my friend to pull herself through this. But she is one of the most courageous women I know, so I know she'll survive.

and this week to come for me is all about courageously plunging completely and totally into work!
à +

PS: in my wanderings in Nantes to and from the fac (I decided that since it's beautifully warm and sunny not to bother with the tram) that au bord de l'Erdre (on the banks of the Erdre) there are THINKING TREES! for those of you who don't know the history of Thinking Trees, they're called Cherry Trees in real life. but when I lived in Princeton, I used to spend hours upon hours climbing in a particular cherry tree, which I called my Thinking Tree. My favorite part was during the spring pulling at the branches to make the pink petals fall off and shower down. As I was walking back today, I noticed those iconic pink clusters. and I'm hoping that tomorrow will be a nice day too, so that I can go back and take pictures =D

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