22 January 2008

You have now entered the Twilight Zone...

something I forgot to report: the unthinkable has happened here in France. In the country where the stereotypical cartoon ALWAYS includes a cigarette dangling at an angle with plein (plenty) of attitude, the bars, restaurants and nightclubs have gone smoke free.

Yes, dear readers...as of the first of the year, il est interdit de fumer -it is forbidden to smoke -in public places. I can not tell you how much of a relief it is to be able to go dancing and NOT come home smelling like an ashtray. Finally, I can come home and immediately crash into bed, rather than having to (as quitely as possible) take a shower during the wee hours of the morning so that the smell of my hair doesn't choke me while I sleep. Of course, it is highly entertaining to watch all of the smokers cluster around the doors taking a smoke break or choosing to dine on the patios - on which the patrons of the restaurants have kindly installed space heaters. I personally love being able to breathe clean air inside - even if I have to walk through a cloud of smoke to get to it!

There are drawbacks, though, even for us non-smokers. Some bars now require that you get something to drink if you're just sitting around, hanging out (even if you're just waiting for the dance scene to start up). Speaking of that dance scene, it's starting later and later (which is obnoxious when you just want to start dancing at 11 but there's NO ONE on the dance floor) and I'm pretty sure a lot of places have lost some business.

But franchement (frankly) - I LOVE IT!



Anonymous said...

Dude! The same thing happened here, and everyone was so pissed off, and that's just OHIO. I can only imagine how annoyed all the striped-shirt, red-beret, mustached, cigarette-dangling Frenchmen are. (I've only ever met one of those, offhand, and it was Kat Dayton at Halloween, so this is all guesswork.)
Of course, it is nice to go to CW's and not have someone blowing smoke clouds in your face, as you mentioned. :-P

Anonymous said...

Sacré Bleu, glad I was sitting down for that one.

Anonymous said...

In response to Gen's comment... I did not have a mustache.

But I'm pretty excited about the no smoking rule as well!!