27 November 2007

24 days?

Not possible. simply not possible. my first semester is almost done...I'll be back on American soil in 24 days...

life has been relatively...insane, as always, here. I have an 8 page monster of a research paper due on thursday that's making this week a living cauchemar (nightmare). however...last week/weekend were fabulous.

Thanksgiving à la françias wasn't anything like Thanksgiving back home, but it was an enjoyable evening all the same! It gave us girls a chance to dress up, 'cause when the sign says "tenue élégant," you know we're all going to take it to heart. Besides, we all brought our "little black dresses" and needed an excuse to wear them! The repas (meal) wasn't "Thanksgiving" at all, but it was yummy - and the french chef's attempt at pumpkin pie was rather entertaining, to say the least! It was a little strange to share my thanskgiving meal with my history professor, though... but again, it was a very enjoyable evening.

Friday was the fun part...I went over to Brianna's house to make a "real" thanksgiving feast - as real as you can get with french ingredients, at any rate! We spent the afternoon cooking and laughing and just being fools...it was FANTASTIC. a little anachronistic to have a group of 20something women cooking together during the 21st century, but that made it all the better. and Brianna payed me a VERY high compliment - I'm not white anymore. we've become such good friends that color just doesn't even exist anymore. I'm so glad she's staying the whole year too...we're gonna go to Greece and Egypt together for spring break. at least...that's the plan right now =D

this past weekend I went to Rennes with Alyce...it was good to take a weekend to just chill and goof off...and eat bonbecs (=bonbon=candy) while watching SuperNanny (the french version! there are french brats too!!) and go exploring the city. the metro in Rennes is SO crazy high tech...it was impressive. I much prefer my above ground tram system, though...I get to see more of Nantes that way. heh not a lot more, but at least I see the streets on the way to the fac!

...speaking of the fac, the grèves continue. thus I could sit here and update my poor neglected blog. I'm almost starting to doubt that I'll ever have a class at the fac again this semester...


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